Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Streets Of F(ire)

This album is pumping me up.
I'm so pumped up.
Up in this album? Nothing but pumps;
Pumping it into me.

Remember Streets Of Fire?
Remember Willem Dafoe as Raven?
Ravens are all like ka-CAAAW! Oh shit!
It's fun to pretend (so fucking pumped) when doomsday-USA is on the mind.
Let the bombs drop, let the gas drift, let the death fly.
I want to party.


  1. Jebro Tall? Comments? Ever? Anyone?

  2. I'm with ya Pheewrap...

    Although I understood pretty much nothing in this post I think. You have been burning the midnight commenting oil and burning it well. The centaurs, tucked away in their little sleeping bags at their eternal slumber party, thank you. They owe you a debt of gratitude. And they can make neither human head nor horse tail of your Power Point presentations.

  3. /feels sadness.
    //grateful for tentative 6-2 Phillies lead.
    ///brushes teeth and retires for the evening.
