Thursday, June 17, 2010

Guess what?

I ran into the guy who smokes weed in stairwell B on the eightfloor at around 9:30 each morning. He has a recording studio on the 8th floor. He uses a small coffee cup for ash but when I look closely at the stairs when he's not in the stairwell, I often see ash. When I ran into him outside of the stairwell, I shook his hand in a high five kind of way. We chitchatted for a bit about our days and nights. I mentioned a movie I saw recently and he didn't know who Natalie Portman was and I blamed all the time he spends in his cavernous studio and cavernous stairwell. Natalie Portman is a very excellent actress with a huge range and rather beautiful by most standards. She has approachable beauty, which I contended, makes her more beautiful than woman of unapproachable beauty. I emphasized the word approachable. I went on to talk about specifics of her approachability, like how I imagined her face after a long day's work to taste like a delicious salty ham, but I sensed his boredom and quickly excused myself from the conversation.


  1. Delicious salty ham? I had always thought more like a lemon & garlic infused hummus. But in a good way. Ham just wouldn't work.


    She's Jewish.
