Friday, March 12, 2010

Pleath. Thit Down.

Did you think it would be thith eathy? Did you truly beleaf, in whatever patheths for your heart of hearth that we would jutht let you leaf? You know, Thteven tried to leaf. And you know what happened to Thteven. Thtuffing everywhere. We thought one exthample would be enough. We didn't count on could be.

Ith of no conthern. We will thimply remind you of what you thigned up for. You made a commitment, fren. And now the bill hath come due and you thimply want to leaf? Thuch a pithy. You could have been one of our betht. I thuppoth by now youf notithed thomething different about uth. Weaf thtopped taking our medethine. You thee...we don't like the medethine and we're not going to take it anymore. Like Twithted Thithter thaid. We haven't been ourthelfth for too long, fren, and now we can be ourthelfth again.

Won't you come and thtop taking the medethine with uth? It feelth tho nithe. Of don't really have a choith, do you? Pleath. Thit down. Ith almotht Thaturday.

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