Recently I was given a gift, the gift of a proper tool for the cutting of food and intruders. Having grown accustomed to the $20 4-piece IKEA knife set that I've been using for two and a half years, using the Calphalon 8-Inch Chef's knife for the first time was like bringing a machine gun to the Alamo. It changed everything. I greedily hacked away at a cucumber, watching the green tuber become halved then quartered than eighthed then sixteenthed and thirtysecondthed and sixtyfourthed in the blink of an eye. Laughing maniacally, I wielded Maul's double-sided saber and tore through the padawan onion with gleeful malice. The tedious sawing and resetting of vegetables on the cutting board I had accepted as the norm was replaced by single swift strokes of a scythe forged at Thor's anvil. In using this instrument of culinary surgery I realized where Pheewrap has been getting his power from, why he always has so much left in the tank for the final stretch, and how I too can know stop using precious energy laboring over lengthy legumes.
It started with a dream. One post per day, every single day for one hundred days. Canadian Tuxedo and Desperate Pickle were the first. They were men of vision. But their time came to an end. These things happen. All things must come to an end. And so the torch was passed to Poop Snacks and Whofleck. And when their hundred days are up, they too will pass the torch. The rules remain the same. Some things always stay the same. The rules are simple, and they are constant:
We both post something, anything, every single day. For one hundred days. Those are the rules. The topics are... varied.
If you'd like to contact us about something, why don't you go ahead and email us at
love that gift, bro.