Tuesday, January 26, 2010

100 Days of Ineptitude

So here we go. A little while ago, while drinking bourbon out of the bottle (I believe in Central Park) we got this idea to try to write a blog. The problem is we don't have any important opinions nor did we want to just write about one subject. There are too many good football/politics/entertainment blogs out there already. Plus there are so many people who I know who I think of as "successful" just because they write a well-read goddamn blog. How hard could it be? So we thought we would just make the promise that for the next hundred days we would post SOMETHING every day. We'll try to make it funny most of the time. But maybe not all of the time. Chances are if you're reading this, you already know at least one of us because, let's be honest, who the fuck is googling "Centaur Sleepover?" Anyway, hopefully this will be fun or, at the very least, a very spectacular failure. If you have anything to send us, please go ahead and email centaursleepover@gmail.com. Pornography is especially appreciated, particularly if it involves half-men, half-horses. Which is distinctly different from man-on-horse or horse-on-man action. I swear, if anyone sends me video of this guy, I'm gonna be PISSED.


Stop sending me them.

I'm covered in my own vomit already.

Anyway, starting on February 1st, we will officially begin the one hundred days of posting crap that no one will read. Welcome. And enjoy. Or don't. Whatever, man.

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